JaeJin Choi

An active PhD student in University of California, Berkeley, since 2019, participate in:

My interest in biology and computer science lead me into the field of bioinformatics/computational biology. Currently focus on development and application of a sequence comparison based on language analysis (e.g., alignment-free approach) that view biological sequences as information and rely on a choice of descriptors (data) over models.


General field of study

Current research interest


Title Date
B.-J. Kim, JJ. Choi, S.-H. Kim, On whole-genome demography of world’s ethnic groups and individual genomic identity. Sci Rep 13, 6316. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-32325-w 2023-04
Pre-print: Whole-Proteome Tree of Arthropods: An “alignment-free” phylogeny of proteome “books” 2020-02
Choi JJ, Kim S-H. Whole-proteome tree of life suggests a deep burst of organism diversity. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2019;117:756155. doi:10.1101/756155. 2020-02
Zielezinski A, Girgis HZ, Bernard G, Leimeister C-A, Tang K, Dencker T, et al. Benchmarking of alignment-free sequence comparison methods. Genome Biol. 2019;20:144. doi:10.1186/s13059-019-1755-7. 2019
Choi JJ, Kim S-H. A genome Tree of Life for the Fungi kingdom. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2017;114:201711939. doi:10.1073/pnas.1711939114 2017-08

Work experience

Institute Position Anticipation Location Date
University of California, Berkeley. Dept. Chemistry Assistant specialist Alignment-free method development in an application to evolutionary study (phylogeny) Berkeley, California, USA 2014-10 to 2019-04
Korean Bioinformation Center Inter-researcher Fungi phylogeny; Pan Asian Population Genome Initiative (PAPGI); population migration and admixture study Daejeon, Republic of Korea 2013-09 to 2014-08


Institute Program/Department Status Location Date
University of California Berkeley Comparative Biochemistry, Dept. Chemistry Active PhD student Berkeley, California, USA 2019-08 to present
Yonsei University Integrated OMICS for Biomedical Sciences MS in Biomedical science Seoul, Republic of Korea 2011-03 to 2013-08
Soongsil University School of Systems Biomedical Science BS in Life Science and Bioinformatics Seoul, Republic of Korea 2005-03 to 2011-02